Ready to build a sustainable, profitable business, and share your genius with the world?

These business coaching packages will get you there.

  • Goals Business Coaching Packages Noe Khalfa Worth The Journey

    Clarify your goals and put your mind at ease

  • Support Business Coaching Packages Noe Khalfa Worth The Journey

    Get weekly support on your business

  • Accountability Business Coaching Packages Noe Khalfa Worth The Journey

    Feel accomplished with ongoing accountability

  • Customers Business Coaching Packages Noe Khalfa Worth The Journey

    Reach new audiences and customers

  • Growth Business Coaching Packages Noe Khalfa Worth The Journey

    Experience new levels of growth & success

When you want to grow a business, whether it’s a side hustle or your main squeeze, the best thing you can do is surround yourself with detailed guidance, expert feedback, and lots of encouragement.

Imagine athletes or musicians without coaches! They could spend years running in circles without ever really making big progress.

The same is true with running a business. It’s a core part of your life and requires training and support to succeed.

Business Coaching Packages Why Do Business Owners Have Coaches Seattle Noe Khalfa Worth The Journey

Why do so many business owners have coaches?

Running a business is hard. But if you’re reading this, you’re probably: a) motivated, b) passionate, and c) actually ready to make it happen

What it takes to make a business impactful and successful…

Business Coaching Packages Impactful Successful Seattle Noe Khalfa Worth The Journey

Running a business, like running a marathon, takes a lot of skill-building, practice, and nitty-gritty work.

But once you break free of the corporate system and realize your happiness is non-negotiable, that work becomes exciting, because it means you can finally do what you love.

Your happiness is so motivating that if you stick with it, it will inevitably lead you to the right people and places, and eventually into growing a sustainable business - one where you look back and say, “wow, I’m finally making a living just by being me.”

How does coaching work?

Whether you’re launching or growing a business, it takes at least 3 to 6 months to make real progress. When you work with me you’ll get a customized program to rapidly grow your heart-centered business into a profitable system that works for you.

3 Month Package


1x 3hr strategy intensive

6x 50min sessions every other week

Message me anytime on Slack

Quick calls before important meetings

10% Discount on Website Packages

6 Month Package


2x 3hr strategy intensive

12x 50min sessions every other week

Message me anytime on Slack

Quick calls before important meetings

10% Discount on Website Packages

Get started with a free business strategy session

Talk it out, get some early advice, and see if business coaching is right for you