Business Coaching

Grow your business with a pro. Zero experience (or business jargon) required.

Rayla Freeman Worth The Journey Client Testimonial

“Since working with Worth The Journey, our profits have literally doubled.”

Rayla Freeman, Print Shop Owner

What is Business Coaching?

Simply put, a business coach helps you learn marketing, get clients, get your business organized, and grow.

It’s like having a personal trainer for your business. All great athletes have trainers, and all great entrepreneurs have coaches. People with coaches don’t get stuck, they grow.

Is this you?

  • You’re passionate and have a vision for what you want to share with the world.
  • You’re driven, determined, and willing to put in the work to make your dream happen.
  • You’re tired of following the endless social media hacks & trends and are ready to learn real marketing skills and invest in your authentic self.
  • You want to grow your business in a purpose-driven way that’s aligned with your values.
  • You’re looking for trustworthy guidance and actionable steps to take your business to the next level.

Meet your business coach

Hey, I’m Noé Khalfa, CEO of Worth The Journey.

I know what it’s like to feel overwhelmed by running a business. But I also know, after 7 years of working with over 400 clients, that it’s possible to build a successful business without sacrificing your sanity!

The key is: don’t do it alone. Despite what picture-perfect social media influencers suggest, all successful business owners have mentors and coaches.

I specialize in marketing, sales, SEO, social media strategy, systems automation, and time management. If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, let’s chat. I’ll help you build a plan to get your business to take off.

Noé Khalfa

CEO & Founder of Worth The Journey

Let's be real, starting a business is hard.

Why do only 25% of businesses succeed long-term? While it’s easy to envision your business dream, it’s hard to actualize it for three main reasons:

No Marketing Reach?

If you don’t plan a cohesive marketing strategy for your brand, you’ll struggle to reach enough new leads

Create a Strategy

Create a data-driven marketing strategy based on audience research and track the important metrics & KPIs over time

Not Enough Sales?

Even if your marketing works, if you don’t know how to monetize your audience, you’ll be left a bunch of fans, not customers

Build a Sales Funnel

Learn how leads psychologically move down your sales funnel, and always give them the right next step toward purchase.

Not Organized?

Most businesses don’t have proper systems set up, so when they finally get a full customer load, they can’t handle the volume

Set up Business Systems

Set up software, automation, outsourcing, and time-management systems early enough to be able to scale to any volume of customers

The 3-Step System

If you’re serious about your business, don’t just wing it! You know better than that. Get help and build it properly. This is Noé’s 3-Step System, developed from working with hundreds of clients.

1. Mindset

Your mindset is the foundation of your success. If you believe in yourself, you're more likely to take risks, try new things, and persevere in the face of challenges. But if you don't, you're likely to give up easily, doubt your abilities, and let fear hold you back. It’s crucial to develop a positive and empowering mindset.

2. Strategy

Once you have the right mindset, it's time to develop a strategy. This means creating a clear vision for your business and developing a plan to achieve it. Your strategy should include your target audience, your value proposition, your marketing and sales strategy, and your financial projections.

3. Action

The most important step is taking action. No matter how great your plan is, it won't do any good if you don't put it into action. Together we’ll focus on taking weekly actions to move your business forward. Over time these tiny actions will add up to a powerful business and self-sustaining marketing machine. So be willing to take risks and step outside of your comfort zone. You got this!

Our results speak for themselves

+10k searches

we grew a preschool by over 10k Google searches and they were booked solid in 1 month

5x followers

in 3 months we grew a fitness trainer by 5 times their engaged followers

2x profit

in 1 year we doubled a print shop’s revenue & profit

The Benefits of Business Coaching

What can you do with a business coach? This list is long because there are many, many, many benefits to business coaching that you can take advantage of!

  • ✓ Create a business plan

    ✓ Create a revenue model for sustainable income

    ✓ Establish solid financial & tax practices

    ✓ Create passive income streams

    ✓ Decide on business name & structure

    ✓ Select the right pricing for your offerings

  • ✓ Create online courses that actually make money

    ✓ Develop events, workshops, seminars, & retreats

    ✓ Create lead magnets that convert your audience

    ✓ Write effective eBooks, email sequences, videos...

    ✓ Build SEO through keyword research and blogs

    ✓ Build and monetize a YouTube channel

  • ✓ Set up a payment processing system

    ✓ Create a client scheduler & sync with your calendar

    ✓ Set up your business email address

    ✓ Set up a mailing list with email automations

    ✓ Save money by discovering cost-effective software

    ✓ Create and print business cards

  • ✓ Research your target market

    ✓ Create an actually useful audience persona

    ✓ Identify your unique edge and marketplace position

    ✓ Write marketing copy that speaks to your audience

    ✓ Design marketing materials (posters, ads…)

    ✓ Build up your word of mouth marketing

    ✓ Develop an SEO plan

  • ✓ Create a monthly marketing plan for social media

    ✓ Find the right content types & posting frequency

    ✓ Create a schedule to post on IG, TikTok, YouTube...

    ✓ Create captivating content for social media posts

    ✓ Learn how to grow your audience and get known

    ✓ Develop partnerships with influencers

  • ✓ Learn your natural sales strengths

    ✓ Get new clients through referral strategies

    ✓ Develop public speaking skills

    ✓ Work through inner blocks to selling confidently

    ✓ Increase your income by getting repeat customers

  • ✓ Empty your email inbox once and for all (phew!)

    ✓ Get on top of emails with the Inbox Zero method

    ✓ Create an efficient system for your todo list

    ✓ Create an organized files and documents system

    ✓ Streamline client communications

    ✓ Get software to automate everything for you

  • ✓ Get weekly accountability & check-ins

    ✓ Stay on track with your goals and objectives

    ✓ Get feedback on your work and progress

    ✓ Overcome obstacles and challenges

    ✓ Broaden your network and connect with other business owners

    ✓ Avoid burnout and getting stuck

    ✓ Work through fear of putting yourself out there

Business coaching services (the TL;DR list)

This is the quick version of how business coaching helps you take your business to ‘unicorn shooting through the sky’- level.

1. Launch your business

2. Get in front of the right audience

3. Convert leads into paying customers

4. Build your online presence

5. Scale to a sustainable income

Business Coaching Packages

3-Month Coaching Package


  • 1x 90min strategy intensive session
  • 6x 60min sessions every other week
  • 24/7 unlimited private messaging access (text, audio & video)
  • Unlimited access to all marketing templates & strategy guides
  • Session online on Zoom

6-Month Coaching Package


  • 2x 90min strategy intensive sessions
  • 12x 60min sessions every other week
  • 24/7 unlimited private messaging access (text, audio & video)
  • Unlimited access to all marketing templates & strategy guides
  • Sessions online on Zoom

Focus Session


  • 1x 90min strategy intensive session
  • Extensive pre-session questionnaire
  • Leave with a clear tactical roadmap
  • Sessions online on Zoom

Monthly Business Coach Retainer


  • 3x 60min sessions / month
  • Unlimited quick calls
  • 24/7 unlimited private messaging access (text, audio & video)
  • Sessions online on Zoom
  • Unlimited access to all marketing templates & strategy guides
Rachel Bennett Worth The Journey Client Testimonial

Rachel Bennett

Naturopathic Doctor


Noé’s expertise is enabling me to save tons of money as a new business owner.

We’ve worked with 400+ businesses in 30+ industries

Irene Malloch Worth The Journey Client Testimonial

Irene Malloch

Massage Therapist


I’m SO GLAD I got Noé's expert help. I no longer feel overwhelmed by SEO!

Lacey Reuter Worth The Journey Client Testimonial

Lacey Reuter

Art Teacher


I started my business with Noé's help, back in 2017 and it continues to thrive.

FAQ's about Business Coaching

  • Business coaching is important because it can help you achieve your goals faster and more efficiently than if you were going it alone. A coach can provide you with an outside perspective, help you identify and overcome any obstacles, and hold you accountable for making progress. They can also help you develop new skills, strategies and tactics that will take your business to the next level. Plus, a coach can give you a fresh perspective on your business that you might not have considered before. Like having a personal trainer for your business, they’ll help you to stay on track and reach your goals faster.

  • Sometimes it can seem nebulous what a small business coach does or covers. We want you to feel super clear about what you’re signing up for with individual business coaching! So here’s our very official-sounding business coaching definition:

    Business coaching involves regular meetings with your coach, where you discuss your goals, challenges, and progress. The coach will help you come up with a plan to achieve your goals and strategies to overcome obstacles. They'll also provide guidance, feedback and support to help you stay on track.

  • A coach will usually start by assessing where your business is currently at, then help you set specific, measurable and achievable goals for the future. Together, you will develop an action plan to achieve those goals and the coach will help you stay accountable to that plan. They can also help you develop new skills and strategies that will take your business to the next level.

    Your coach may also use different tools and methods like assessments, exercises, and assessments to help you understand your strengths and weaknesses, identify opportunities and blind spots, and develop a more effective mindset and approach to your business.

    Overall, the goal of business coaching is to help you increase your business's performance and achieve your desired outcomes in a more efficient way.

  • Consider this, how far have you come without any support? Odds are you either got stuck somewhere or have stacked up enough obstacles that you need an expert to help you move forward. But hiring a business coach is much more than that. A good coach not only gets you unstuck, but teaches you effective business and marketing practices you didn’t even know existed. In other words, they can help you grow your business quicker, more efficiently, and with less stress than doing it alone. So, is coaching worth it? Well, take our client Rayla of Northwest Theatre Press. In a few months of working together, we helped her literally double her profits from $35k to $70k in a way she had never considered before. We’ve helped therapists fill their practices, coaches, and fitness instructors gain thousands of followers and launch successful events…the list goes on. When you actually do the math, the amount you pay for coaching (which may be a deductible business expense anyway) is negligible compared to how much money you can gain from it.

  • If you can't afford a business coach, there are still plenty of things you can do to grow your business. Here are a few ideas:

    1. Join our email list. We share regular business, marketing, and mindset tips on how to grow your business into a success. Our content is packed with actionable advice that you can use to actually improve your business.

    2. Understand your goals. Once you know what you want to achieve, you can start to figure out how to get there. If you're not sure where to start, consider working with a business coach for a single session. In one hour, you can get clarity on your goals and develop a plan to achieve them.

    3. Find a group of entrepreneur friends. If you know other entrepreneurs who are also looking for ways to grow their businesses, consider joining forces. You can split the cost of coaching with your friends and host a mastermind group. In a mastermind group, you can share ideas, solve problems, and support each other as you work towards your goals.

  • A business coach is a professional who provides guidance and support to help businesses grow and succeed. A mentor is someone who has experience and knowledge in a particular area and is willing to share that knowledge with others.

    While both business coaches and mentors can be valuable resources, they have different roles and responsibilities. Business coaches typically have a more formal relationship with their clients and work with them to set goals, develop strategies, and track progress. Mentors, on the other hand, typically have a more informal relationship with their mentees and focus on sharing knowledge and experience.

    Ultimately, the best way to decide whether you need a business coach or a mentor is to consider your specific needs and goals. If you are looking for someone to help you grow your business, a business coach may be a good fit. If you are looking for someone to share their knowledge and experience with you, a mentor may be a better option.

  • Check out our blog article on this topic.

    If you live in the Seattle, WA area, and you're looking for a local business coach near you, you're in luck! Business coach Noé Khalfa is currently taking new clients.

    If you’re not in Seattle consider online coaching with Noé because it’s an incredibly efficient way to fit business support into your busy schedule. Noé works with clients from all over the globe and he’d love to help you grow your business.

  • This is a great question that we address in depth in our blog article, Choosing the Perfect Small Business Coaching Package.

  • Yes! There are two ways we offer online business coaching.

    First, we offer online coaching 1-1 sessions because let’s be real when you’re super busy, meeting online is much quicker than in-person for fitting sessions into your life.

    Second, we offer 24/7 online messaging access to your business coach Noé through your own dedicated Slack channel, so you can ask questions, get feedback, and work through strategy or implementation issues online anytime.

    Getting ongoing help is the most efficient way to make progress on your business.

  • Yes! We offer in-person business coaching in Seattle, WA, so if you’re local and want the face-to-face connection that being in-person offers, contact us for availability.

  • A typical coaching session lasts for 60-90 minutes. However, some coaches offer shorter or longer sessions depending on the overall way you’re working with the coach. For example, if you have a monthly retainer, your coach may be available for 15-minute phone calls in between more formal 60-90 minute session times.

  • This is a great question that we address in depth in our blog article, Choosing the Perfect Small Business Coaching Package.

  • Here are a few tips on how to prepare for a business coaching session:

    • Think about your goals and what you want to achieve. What are your short-term and long-term goals for your business? What do you need help with?

    • Gather any relevant information. This could include financial statements, marketing materials, or customer data.

    • Come up with some questions. What do you want to learn from your coach? What areas of your business do you want to improve?

    • Be prepared to take action. Coaching is about more than just talking. You need to be willing to implement the strategies and advice that your coach gives you.

  • A coaching action plan is a document that outlines the goals and strategies that you will work on during your coaching sessions. It is a way to track your progress and stay on track. At Worth The Journey we always follow an action plan to keep accountability and progress moving forward.

  • Most “coaches” are more like life coaches, offering you personal growth questions and helping you make sense of your vision or idea. While that’s sometimes helpful, it’s not practical enough for most people. What you really need is someone who not only knows how to help you articulate your vision, but how to actually build an online presence, do direct marketing, brand awareness marketing, sales, and get your systems organized. We specialize in results-driven business coaching, which means we will help you actually design and implement your marketing strategy, build your social media audiences, write copy, publish videos, etc., and over time see tangible results. And then...we take those tangible results, work with you to develop even more refined strategies and help you get more followers, clients, and revenue. That’s what real business coaching can help you with - actually growing your business.

Imagine waking up every day excited to work on your business

Imagine always knowing what to work on next to make your business grow. Noé has helped hundreds of businesses grow beyond what they thought was possible. He can help you do the same.