Therapist websites: The quick(er) way to reach ideal clients

It's no secret: having a strong online presence is essential for therapists looking to connect with patients and grow their practice.

A well-designed therapist website can be a powerful tool for reaching patients quickly and effectively. Designing one, especially if you're a beginner, can be a bit of a tricky task, but it is more than worth it.

To make your life easier, today we've got a rundown for you of WHY a website is important for your practice and more importantly HOW you can make it work, look, and feel perfect.

As a bonus, we'll let you in on how a digital marketing agency like Worth The Journey can take all the work off your plate at an affordable rate.

Let's take a look! 🧐

We know we've given it away in the intro already—we're kinda bad at this whole keep the tension going thing—but YES; therapy websites really do make a difference. Very often, it can be a big difference.

Let's check out why.

Reach Your Audience in an Easier Way

Think of your usual experience when looking for almost any kind of service nowadays. More often than not, the first thing you'll do is Google whatever it is that you're looking for.

Now, also think of that slightly disappointing feeling you get when the service you're looking for isn't available online, or is available but has incorrect listings or an outdated website. We know, we've all seen it.

There's no running away from the importance of an up-to-date, quality website nowadays—and the first and main reason is the convenience and accessibility it offers for potential patients. It can be the hub where they can learn about your practice, services, and approach to therapy, and allows you to reach a wider audience and attract patients who may not have found you through traditional means.

The stats speak to the importance of therapy websites as well, with Clarity Cooperative reporting that up to 80% of Americans first check for healthcare info online before any other means.

Having an online presence matters.

Establish and Boost Your Reputation

Consumers are more aware of cybersecurity than ever before—which also means that a reputable, modern-looking, and functional therapy website is essential!

Not only does it allow you to showcase your expertise, experience, and qualifications, but a professional and informative website can also help you establish and boost your reputation as a therapist.

This, in turn, builds trust and credibility with potential patients, giving you (and your webpage) the authority you need to make potential customers feel easy when interacting with your resources.

Now, the first thing clients will notice on your webpage is its design. How about we take a quick look at that?

User Experience is Key, and Design is Essential for It

The design of your therapist website plays a crucial role in the user experience. A well-designed website should be visually appealing, easy to navigate, and responsive across all devices. This ensures that visitors can find the information they need quickly and easily.

Unfortunately, websites for therapists are frequently visually outdated and often crammed with info, making them difficult to navigate and understand. This can break the user experience, and that's an absolute disaster for the webpage.

Think we're exaggerating? We're really not—a report by Linearity found that 88% of online consumers are less likely to return to a webpage after a bad user experience.

Linearity also reports that 94% of first impressions formed about a website are the result of its design.

So, say it with us: ✨ design matters

Design Helps You Build a Sense of Trust and Professionalism

The design of your website doesn't only influence impressions of the website itself—it also contributes to the overall impression visitors have of your practice.

A clean, modern, and professional design can help build trust and credibility with potential patients, encouraging them to reach out for help.

Putting the extra effort into your webpage is a long-term investment that pays dividends over time.

So, with design being this important, why not take a look at what aspects you should focus on?

Clean and Modern Design

An old-fashioned, unoptimized, and overly busy webpage is a major digital turn-off. That's why you'll see that the best therapist websites nowadays opt for a clean and modern design that reflects the professionalism of the practice. Avoid clutter and distractions, focusing instead on clear typography, ample white space, and a cohesive color scheme.

Don't forget that your webpage is a direct extension of your own goals and values as a therapist. Aim to be as approachable via webpage as you would be IRL.

Bright Colors and High-Quality Images

Per Sweor, users spend an average of 6 seconds on the homepage image, and take no more than 0.05 seconds to make a judgment on a website—almost exclusively based on the imagery and colors that they perceive in that period.

You could say that this would make images and colors pretty important for a good therapy website.

Incorporate bright colors and high-quality images that resonate with your target audience and convey a sense of warmth and positivity. Avoid stock photos in favor of authentic images that reflect the diversity of your patient population.

Look to convey as much of yourself as possible—not just by adding photos of yourself to the webpage, but also by making sure that those photos feel genuine and relatable. This will give your clients much more of an incentive to make the first step.

Intuitive Navigation and User-Friendly Layout

We already mentioned how important user experience is for a successful webpage. We don't wanna be too repetitive, but just make sure to remember that the way your potential clients interact with your website can make or break its success.

Ensure that your website has intuitive navigation and a user-friendly layout that makes it easy for visitors to find what they're looking for. Use clear menu labels, logical page hierarchies, and prominent calls-to-action to guide visitors through your site.

Responsive Design for Mobile Accessibility

Per Infill, around 55% of all webpage traffic in 2021 came from mobile devices. This number has definitely risen today and will most certainly continue to rise in the future, given the continuous improvement and prevalence of mobile phones.

With that in mind, it is crucial to give your potential customers an easy way to access your therapist website via mobile devices too.

Optimize your website for mobile accessibility with responsive design techniques. This ensures that your site looks and functions seamlessly across all devices, from smartphones and tablets to desktop computers.

So these are some of the important design choices when thinking about therapist web presence. But what about the actual services once you've settled on the design?

Here are the essentials!

Provide Valuable Resources for Visitors

As a therapist, you don't just offer your primary service—you also offer a wealth of knowledge pertaining to wellbeing.

This should be reflected on your webpage too!

Provide valuable resources for visitors, such as informative articles, self-help tools, and links to reputable mental health resources. This positions you as a trusted source of information and support for individuals seeking help.

Ensure Easy Access to Contact Options

One of the biggest gripes we often have with websites is essential info being hidden away in some obscure corner of the page.

As a therapist, your contact info will likely be one of the main resources potential clients will seek.

Make it easy for visitors to contact you by providing multiple contact options, such as phone, email, and an online contact form. Display your contact information prominently on every page of your website for maximum visibility and introduce it with a short, friendly call-to-action to give future clients a friendly nudge to take that step.

Create a User-Friendly Client Portal

Consider incorporating a user-friendly client portal into your website, allowing patients to schedule appointments, complete intake forms, and communicate with you securely online. This makes both the patient experience, as well as the administrative tasks for your practice a much more pleasant experience.

Include Subscription Services for Additional Support

Offer subscription services for additional support, such as access to exclusive content, virtual therapy sessions, or online support groups. This provides patients with ongoing value and support beyond traditional therapy sessions.

To keep things less abstract, we also want to show you a few of our own designs that you can use as inspiration or motivation.

Here are three therapy website examples that we've built to show you what's possible

Building your own therapist website from scratch opens up a whole world of creative opportunities for you. But what if you're looking for specific, clear-cut steps to get you from start to finish?

Well, here are the ones we recommend!

1. Research Websites You Like

Just like the examples above, you can simply look for inspiration by examining other websites. These don't necessarily have to be connected to your profession—you can find visual inspiration and work from there.

You can also go vice versa: find websites that you like in terms of content or layout, and use those as inspiration when thinking about your own project.

2. Choose a Platform

Do your research and choose website building and hosting solution. The one we use and recommend is Squarespace, an all-in-one website solution that you can use to design, test, host, and launch your website easily.

3. Create a Sitemap of All Pages

Outline the structure of your website by mapping out all the pages you envision. This blueprint will serve as a guide throughout the development process and can help you clarify exactly what you do and don't want on your webpage before you even start working on it.

4. Lay out Each Section in a Simple Wireframe

A wireframe helps you visually represent a webpage's layout and structure, but often in a simplified format. Design a basic wireframe to visualize the layout of each part of your webpage, focusing on simplicity and clarity to ensure a seamless user experience. You can do this using pen and paper, or go digital with tools like Adobe XD, Sketch, or the one we use—Figma.

5. Write all Copywriting to Fill the Wireframe

Once you have the wireframe in place, it's time to fill it up.

In this step, you need to craft compelling copy that aligns with your vision and resonates with your target audience. Don't forget that every word matters, so take your time to write to perfection.

6. Take Photos and Videos to add to the Wireframe

We've mentioned the importance of imagery for your therapist website—and now's the time to start working on that.

You can invest in high-quality visuals that enhance your website's aesthetic appeal and effectively convey your message, and make sure to include photography of yourself so you can bridge the gap between potential clients.

7. Apply Your Brand Colors, Fonts, Button Styles, and Background Elements

Depending on the visual style you want your website to have, you can infuse it with your brand's identity by incorporating consistent colors, fonts, and design elements. Pay attention to details like button styles and background elements to maintain cohesiveness.

While we know that it may seem inconsequential in the grand scheme of things, consistency and coherence on your website are elements that will speak about the services you offer, so make sure that everything is picture-perfect.

8. Test Everything

Thoroughly test every aspect of your website, from navigation to functionality, across different devices and browsers. Address any issues or glitches to ensure a flawless user experience and make sure to have someone else take a look as well.

9. Launch!

With everything in place, it's time to unleash your website to the world. Get ready for this exciting journey of connecting with your audience online.

So, as you can see, there are some easy-to-follow steps when working on your future webpage.

But as a therapist, you likely often feel like this...

Going through all the steps and hassle of planning out, designing, and setting up your webpage is time-consuming, especially if you're not familiar with the tools you'll be using.

If only there was someone who could help... 🤔

Sorry... we already mentioned we're bad at cliffhangers, so let's cut to the chase: digital marketing agencies like Worth The Journey are the go-to option for this!

Here's what they offer.

Digital marketing agencies specialize in all things related to online presence, from social media management to branding, search engine optimization (SEO), web design, and so much more.

Together with your own knowledge of your subject matter and field, you can partner with a marketing agency to launch a work of art that brings in more potential clients to your private practice.

This is what digital marketing companies bring to the table:

Providing Subject Matter Expertise

Digital marketing companies can provide subject matter expertise to help you create a website that effectively communicates your expertise, services, and approach to therapy. Whether you're offering individual therapy, counseling services, family therapy, or anything in between, these agencies can help you find the best way to get online.

Understanding Your Ideal Client

Analyzing who will be frequenting your future webpage—your current and potential customers—will likely be the first order of business.

By understanding your target audience and their needs, digital marketing companies can tailor your website to resonate with potential patients and drive engagement and conversions.

Understanding the audience opens up the slate for the rest of the design: choosing images that convey your personality and foster a sense of trust, writing content that gets clients interested, and providing a clean design that will make it easy for everyone to find what they're looking for.

Handling the Technical Side

The background processes involved in web design for therapists can be a little... convoluted.

From domain registration and hosting setup to website design and development, things can get hectic and easy to lose track of.

However, digital marketing companies can handle all the technical aspects of setting up your website, ensuring a seamless and hassle-free process and leaving you time to do what you do best.

Now, having a website is great because it's a one-stop shop for all the info and additional resources you have to offer—but it also opens up options for extended visibility and attracting potential customers more easily.

✨ Visibility ✨ is the name of the game here.

Optimize Content for Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engines are the beating heart of today's Internet, so optimizing for your presence there is the best thing you can do for your online visibility.

This is backed up by the stats as well—Ahrefs reports that 68% of all online experiences start with a search engine. And being high up on a search results page is essential, as only 0.44% of users go as far as the second page of a Google search, according to research by Forbes.

To be as close as possible to the top of those search results, optimize your website content for search engines by incorporating relevant keywords, meta tags, and descriptions. This improves your website's visibility in search engine results pages and attracts more organic traffic.

Use Testimonials for Improved Search Ranking

Include client testimonials and reviews on your website to improve your search engine ranking and build trust and credibility with potential patients by giving social proof of your practice. Positive reviews signal to search engines that your website is reputable and trustworthy.

Navigate the Changing Digital Landscape

Stay informed about changes and updates in the digital landscape, including search engine algorithms and best practices for website optimization. By staying ahead of the curve, you can ensure that your website remains visible and competitive in search engine rankings.

Conveniently, all of these elements can also be handled by digital marketing companies, no matter whether you want short-term or long-term support for your website.

As a small but relevant aside: Worth The Journey offers therapist website design services and a free half-hour consultation where we can discuss all the tiny and not-so-tiny details you may be interested in before setting off on this trip! (highlighted to use the special purple highlight box on WTJ)

Therapist websites play a crucial role in reaching patients quickly and effectively. By investing in a well-designed and user-friendly website, therapists can establish their reputation, attract new patients, and provide valuable resources and support to those in need, while also saving time down the line by automatizing a lot of administrative and otherwise-manual work.

We know it's a big step, but we've also seen and helped lots of therapists in making that step, and we have no doubt at all that you can do it too. We're here for you every step of the way! 🚀

  1. How much does it cost to set up a therapist website?

    The cost of setting up a therapist website can vary depending on various factors such as the complexity of design, features required, ongoing maintenance, and whether you hire a professional web designer or use DIY website builders. On average, you can expect to pay anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars for initial setup, with additional costs for hosting, domain registration, and any custom features.

  2. How long does it take to build a therapist website?

    The time it takes to build a therapist website depends on factors such as the complexity of design, the availability of content and resources, and whether you're using a template or building from scratch. Typically, a basic therapist website can be set up in a few days to a couple of weeks, while more complex websites with custom features may take several weeks or even months to complete.

  3. What should I include on my therapist website?

    Your therapist website should include essential information such as your bio, credentials, specialties, services offered, contact information, and office hours. Additionally, consider including resources such as informative articles, self-help tools, client testimonials, and a blog to provide value to visitors and establish credibility.

  4. How often should I update my therapist website?

    It's recommended to update your therapist website regularly to keep it fresh, relevant, and engaging for visitors. This could include adding new content such as blog posts, articles, or resources, updating information about your services or office hours, and refreshing the design to reflect any changes in your practice or branding. Aim to update your website at least once a month, if not more frequently.

Worth The Journey

Worth The Journey is a digital marketing agency that helps businesses of all sizes reach their full potential. We specialize in web design, brand & graphic design, and business coaching. We also help with social media management, SEO, and email marketing. We're not your typical digital marketing agency. We're bold, we're fun, and we're always up for a challenge. We believe that every business has a unique story to tell, and we're here to help you tell it in a way that will resonate with your audience. If you're looking for a digital marketing agency that will help you grow your business, then look no further than Worth The Journey. We're here to help you take your business on a journey to success.

Seattle Web Design: Our websites will blow your mind!


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